Whether you have come to my website for weight loss, sports performance, body transformation, improved health (mental & physical) or just to future proof yourself against old age - they all require you to address the fundamentals. Health and Fitness is multifactorial, and I have broken them down into 5 categories or elements.

Each element has a basic foundation level which any client whatever goal they come to me for will benefit from applying. Each element then has deeper levels which are more advanced and nuanced should the client wish to explore and develop.

For example:
Movement Element:-
Baseline level =
This has 3 parts to it in my system. The first, is a full body MOT. An assessment to check posture, joint mobility, flexibility, motor control to see what needs stretching & strengthening to keep you fit and active for longer. The second is your Movement Portfolio what is your weekly movement & cardio like - is it conducive to your goals and overall health. The third, is getting the heart rate up - there are many methods for this and it can be short and sweet, rather than long and arduous. But we explore if these things are needed and how they will relate to you and your lifestyle. Deeper dive: Consists of: Sports specific performance methods. Advanced breathing for cardio health, HIIT & sprint methods, mouth taping, altitude work. Strength training for Endurance. Etc.

Energy Element:-
Baseline level:
Sleep, Rest & Recovery. Passions/Hobbies things that energise you and you give you purpose in life.
Deeper dive: Breath work, Meditation, Qi gong, Reiki, Sekhem, Sound Healing, Being in Nature.

Mindset Element:-
Baseline level:
The weekly plan and program (without this the mind is free to look for sabotage!)
Deeper Dive: Philosophy, Psychology tricks, Belief systems. Subconscious change tactics.

Nutrition Element:-
Baseline level:
Quantity & Quality of food that is right for you to produce results. Not excluding any foods or drinks but acquiring the realtime knowledge of what works for you now… by facing up to and looking at the results and data.
Deeper Dives: Advanced empirical self-knowledge that allows flexible eating from whatever system and protocol you choose to use.

Strength Element:-
Baseline Level:
Upgrading your weaker areas. Gaining muscle for mobility, aesthetics, and injury prevention. Bodyweight, and basic compound weighted movements.
Deeper Dives: Advanced programming and exercise selection with different tools & techniques.

For me these five elements contain all the parts to integrate the mind & body and make it whole & heal again. All the elements are interrelated, as each element has the ability to enhance or lower the performance of the others. For example we are all aware that a poor night’s sleep means we choose the wrong foods the next day, are too tired to want to exercise, have decreased mindset & performance. So one element and aspect here has a knock effect with all the others. That is why it’s important to find out which one’s need tweaking for you.

Balancing these elements will create an environment in the body that is pro-health and maximizes your chances of recovery, growth and optimal performance. Not all of the elements or deeper dives will appeal or apply to you, and that is fine. We work with whatever element you need and/or require at this moment in time to achieve your goals.

The methods involved are not new and fad ideas, but old school tried-and-tested systems that have been studied and used effectively for decades. The fitness industry is riddled with misinformation, myths and people trying to sell us new products and workouts where the saying ‘old wine in new bottles’ couldn’t be truer. If there was a magic pill, juice, workout or formula that could achieve significant change with minimal effort in minimal time then that product will have ruled the world by now, and I would be taking and selling it.

The fitness industry at the moment seems to have compartmentalised itself - People are either lifting weights at a gym, running outside with Parkrun or a local run club, or there are the devotees doing just yoga or pilates. For an optimal functional body and all round conditioning you need to address more than one component, and the benefits of using 1-1 personal training is that we cover all those areas involved, and make sure that you not only develop your strengths, but more importantly upgrade your weaknesses.

When I was getting into fitness “aerobics” ruled the industry, and nutrition for sports performance was optional. Meditation, yoga and energy work was for stoners, hippies, and vagabonds travelling to India. Talking about your mindset and mental health was for those that had already been sectioned by law.
Nowadays, strength training has overtaken cardio, every athlete & sports team has a psychiatrist & performance coach to do mindset work. Nutrition is fundamental & paramount for health and performance. Very old Eastern energy arts like reiki, qi gong and yoga are being practised by CEO’s, athletes, the general public, and being used by the NHS.

Holistic practices are at last being embraced, as the science of the Western world catches up. If you would like to start too on your own individual journey - get in touch and come & have a go.

Conversely, you don’t have to join & sign up to this holistic program if it seems too much and/or there’s elements in it you don’t want to address. I see and work with a lot of clients who just come for strength training alone, or just sign up for nutrition, or pop along once a week for posture work, or just see me for qigong. The choice of how much or little we do is completely up to you.